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SSR Code - Meals, Other Special Services

Meals             Other Special Services
Description             Description
AVML * Asian vegetarian             AVIH + animal in hold - checked as cargo
BBML * baby             BIKE * bicycle
BLML * bland             BLND -- blind traveler
CHML -- child             BSCT * bassinet/carry cot
DBML * diabetic             BULK + bulky baggage
FPML * fruit platter             CBBG + cabin baggage
GFML * gluten-free             CHLD -- child (this is available on Apollo (1V) CRS after June 14, 2007, and on Galileo (1G) CRS after July 30, 2007).
HFML * high fiber             COUR -- courier
HNML * Hindu             DEAF -- deaf traveler
KSML * kosher             DEPA -- deportee, accompanied
LCML * low calorie on Galileo; low cholesterol on Apollo             DEPU -- deportee, unaccompanied
LFML * low fat/cholesterol on Galileo; low fat on Apollo             DIPL ? diplomatic Courier
LPML * low protein             EXST + extra seat
LSML * low sodium             FOID -- Form of Identification for eTickets
MOML * Muslim             FRAG + fragile baggage
NLML * non-lactose             GPST + group seat request
OBML * no description available             GRPF + group fare type
ORML * Oriental             LANG + speaks language other than that of board city
RFML no description available             MAAS + meet and assist
RVML * raw vegetarian             MEDA + medical alert
SFML * seafood             PETC + pet in cabin
SPML + special             SEMN + seaman
VGML * vegetarian             SLPR * sleeper seat
VLML * vegetarian lacto-ovo (allows milk and eggs)             SPEQ + sports equipment
              STCR * stretcher passenger
              TKNA ? no description available
              TKNM ? no description available
              TWOV -- transit without visa
              UNMR + unaccompanied minor
              WCBD -- privately owned wheelchair - dry battery (North America only)
              WCBW -- privately owned wheelchair - wet battery (North America only)
              WCHC -- airline-supplied wheelchair - traveler completely immobile
              WCHR -- airline supplied wheelchair - traveler can ascend/descend stairs
              WCHS -- airline supplied wheelchair - traveler cannot ascend/descend stairs
              WCMP -- privately owned wheelchair - manual power (North America only)
              WCOB -- needs on-board wheelchair (North America only)
              XBAG + excess baggage

SSR Status Codes

SSRs have status codes to indicate their current status in the fulfillment process. For example:

<com:SSR Type="DOCS" Status="HK" Carrier="YY" FreeText="P/US/1234567/US/25Jan85/M/23OCT17/Lastname/Firstname"/>


SSR has been requested.


SSR is pending confirmation.


Supplier (carrier) is unable to fulfill the request. The SSR in this case will remain in the PNR as evidence that the service was requested and declined.


SSR has been confirmed.


A carrier may send a different status or choose not to reply to an SSR with an HK message, which means that the SSR status will always remain as 'NN'. This status is allowed on some SSRs with the assumption that the supplier has received the message, and that the service will be provided.