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PTC Description(PTC 코드 설명) PTC description: 더보기
Advise Code(or 좌석 상태 코드) Advice code: Definition: Change to status code: HX Have cancelled (by airline) Note: Refer to What do I do if a flight been cancelled by an airline using HX status? XK KK Confirmed from request HK KL Confirmed from waitlist HK NO No action taken XK TK Schedule change on a confirmed flight HK T.. 더보기
항공 상태 코드(Air Status Codes) Air Status CodesThe following status codes can be returned for an AirSegment. Status CodeDescriptionAFAA Advantage ticketAKConfirmed outside Galileo systemALWaitlisted outside Galileo systemANRequested outside Galileo systemBKBooked with carrierBLWaitlist segmentBNRequested outside Galileo systemCHPassive - Code share holds confirmedCKAdvance check-in. Boarding pass issuedCSCode share sell segme.. 더보기
uAPI Workshop Summary Retain Reservation 예약시에, Schedule 이나 Price 아니면 혹은 둘다 변경이 됐을경우 PNR 생성에 대한 가능 여부를 제어하게 도와줍니다. AirCreateReservationReq @RetainReservation 는 예약 요청시 보낸값이 실제 항공사의 inventory 정보와 일치하지 않을경우 그 값을 비교하여 PNR 을 생성할지에 대한 결정을 내릴수 있도록 합니다. 만약 예약 요청시 보낸값과 실제 항공사 inventory 의 정보가 다를 경우 RS 내에 AirSolutionChangedInfo 값이 리턴되고 어떤 정보가 변경됐는지 에 대한 설명이 주어집니다. 리턴되는 Warning message 는 “Segment sync error. Flight times returned.. 더보기
Pricing Method Auto , Manual , ManualFare , Guaranteed , Invalid , Restored , Ticketed , Unticketable , Reprice , Expired , AutoUsingPrivateFare , GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare , Airline , AgentAssisted , VerifyPrice , AltSegmentRemovedReprice , AuxiliarySegmentRemovedReprice , DuplicateSegmentRemovedReprice , Unknown , GuaranteedUsingAgencyPrivateFare , AutoRapidReprice 더보기
Carrier 종류 Plating Carrier : 발권항공사Marketing Carrier : 판매항공사Operating Carrier : 운항항공사 더보기
SellType or ParticipantLevel or 항공사가입레벨 O - Secure soldL - Last seat sold (1G only)G - Guaranteed soldS - Super guaranteed soldW- Interactively Waitlisted (WL over the link - 1Gonly) O : option Sell 혹은 Secured Sell 항공사가 항공사 Vendor Locator를 예약의 End Transaction 시점에 보내줌L : Last seat soldG : 예약에 항공사 예약번호가 들어오지 않음S : Super Guaranteed Sell . O 보다 높은 레벨W : PNR 생성 시점에 대기자 예약이 완료됨을 의미 더보기
SSR Code - Meals, Other Special Services Meals Other Special Services Description Description AVML * Asian vegetarian AVIH + animal in hold - checked as cargo BBML * baby BIKE * bicycle BLML * bland BLND -- blind traveler CHML -- child BSCT * bassinet/carry cot DBML * diabetic BULK + bulky baggage FPML * fruit platter CBBG + cabin baggage GFML * gluten-free CHLD -- child (this is available on Apollo (1V) CRS after June 14, 2007, and on.. 더보기
AvailSource or AvailabilitySource Possible Values (List): A - AVS B - Travelport Cache C - AVS D - Direct Access E - Travelport Cache F - Travelport Cache G - Travelport Cache H - Travelport Cache I - Travelport Cache J - Travelport Cache K - Travelport Cache L - Last Seat Availability M - Unknown Source N - Travelport Cache O - Travelport Cache P - Travelport Cache Q - Travelport Cache S - Seamless T - Travelport Cache U - Unkn.. 더보기